Plugins you need to get your projects done
76 plugins
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    Black Studio TinyMCE Widget
    door Black Studio
    The visual editor widget for WordPress.
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    Re-add text underline and justify
    door Brice Capobianco
    This tiny plugin re-adds the Editor text underline & text justify buttons in the WYSIWYG removed in WordPress 4.7. It works well with the Classic …
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    Re-Add Text Justify Button
    door Salvatore Cordiano
    The most simple plugin to re-add text justify on WordPress 4.7+
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    WP Editor Widget
    door David Mårtensson
    WP Editor Widget adds a rich text widget where the content is edited using the standard WordPress visual editor.
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    Advanced TinyMCE Configuration
    door Andrew Ozz
    Set advanced TinyMCE options for the classic block and classic editor.
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    ACF Autosize
    door Yeah GbR
    A wordpress plugin to automatically resize and improve upon wysiwyg and textarea fields in Advanced Custom Fields.
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    Cleanup HTML
    door Closemarketing
    Adds a button to your classic editor visual toolbar that when clicked strips all div, 'table', span tags from your post HTML code -- those a …
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    door Fahad Alduraibi
    Adds two buttons to the TinyMCE editor to enable writing text in Left to Right (LTR) and Right to Left (RTL) directions.
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    WP Super Edit
    door Jess Planck & TheDevCouple (Awais & Maedah)
    Get control of the WordPress wysiwyg visual editor and add some functionality with more buttons and custom TinyMCE plugins.
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    Advanced Classic Editor
    door DediData
    Advanced Classic Editor - Your powerful WordPress editor, Insert many Icons, Insert Table of contents, etc.
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    Advanced Post Excerpt
    door Steve Grunwell
    Replace the default Post Excerpt meta box with a superior editing experience.
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    Clear Floats Button
    door Graffino
    Adds clear float button to TinyMCE Editor.
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    door Takahashi Fumiki
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    Disable Visual Editor WYSIWYG
    door Stanislav Mandulov
    This plugin will disable the visual editor for selected page/post..
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    Smart WYSIWYG Blocks Of Content
    door Coen Jacobs
    Adds a custom post type that can be easily inserted at multiple spots, including widgets. Easy way to create WYSIWYG widgets.
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    tinyWYM Editor
    door Andrew Rickards
    Convert WordPress's WYSIWYG editor into a WYSIWYM editor. Add and edit any HTML tag and attribute from the visual editor.
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    Note - A live edit text widget
    door Slocum Studio
    Note is a simple and easy to use widget for editing bits of text, live, in your WordPress front-end Customizer.
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    TinyMCE Advanced Language Pack
    door Andrew Ozz
    Adds more translations for the TinyMCE components used in the TinyMCE Advanced plugin.
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    Front-end Editor
    door scribu
    Edit content inline, without going to the admin area.
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    LuckyWP Term Description Rich Text
    door LuckyWP
    Replaces plain-text editor for category, tag and custom taxonomy term description with the built-in WordPress WYSIWYG editor (TinyMCE).