Pas de functies van je site aan met plugins

Voeg nieuwe functionaliteit en integraties toe aan je site met toegang tot duizenden plugins.

35 plugins
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    JWT Authentication for WP REST API
    door Enrique Chavez
    Breidt de WP REST API uit met JSON web tokens authenticatie als authenticatiemethode.
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    door Aires Gonçalves
    Exposes Advanced Custom Fields Endpoints in the WordPress REST API
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    REST API Log
    door Pete Nelson
    WordPress plugin to log REST API requests and responses
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    WP API Menus
    door Fulvio Notarstefano
    Extends WordPress WP REST API with new routes pointing to WordPress menus.
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    REST API Meta Support
    door Pericror
    Stores meta data (i.e plugin settings) from the meta field of a WP REST API posts or pages POST creation call in the created page or post meta data.
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    Password Reset with Code for WordPress REST API
    door Be Devious Web Development
    A simple plugin that adds a password reset facility to the WordPress REST API using a code. The process is a two step process:
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    WP REST API - Pure Taxonomies
    door Andrew MAGIK
    This plugin include all available taxonomy attributes into the WordPress REST API (v2) without additional API requests.
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    ACF to WP-API
    door Chris Hutchinson
    Plugs Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) data into the WordPress JSON API (WP-API).
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    WP API Yoast SEO
    door Charlie Francis
    Returns Yoast post or page metadata in a normal post or page request.
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    WP REST API Cache
    door Aires Gonçalves
    Enable caching for WordPress REST API and increase speed of your application
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    SearchWP API
    door Josh Pollock for CalderaWP LLC
    Run advanced searches via the WordPress REST API and SearchWP.
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    WP Custom REST API Generator
    door Centangle Interactive
    WP Custom REST API Generator plugin enables the user to show/hide varied meta information of Posts in WordPress REST API.
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    REST API Multiple Post Types
    door Caldera Labs
    Query multiple post types using /wp/v2/posts
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    User Data Fields For JWT Authentication
    door AhmedHnewa
    Wordpress is a good content mangement system for building websites, but it will be better if you build like mobile apps,
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    WP REST API - Post Type Taxonomies
    door Andrew MAGIK
    This plugin show all relations between existing post types and attached to them terms (taxonomies) in separate WordPress REST API (v2) endpoint.
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    WP REST API - All Terms
    door Andrew MAGIK
    This plugin include all existing terms into separate WordPress REST API (v2) endpoint.
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    REST Gutenberg
    door Scott Foster
    Adds a key and gutenberg block schema within the WordPress REST API
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    WP-REST-API Menus
    door Jeff Cicero
    Adds menu endpoints to core WP REST API.
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    Yoast SEO for WordPress PWA
    door Pablo Postigo, Luis Herranz, Niels Garve, Tedy Warsitha, Charlie Francis
    Returns Yoast post or page metadata in a normal post or page request.
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    API Log Pro
    door Hubbard Labs
    A simple plugin to log WordPress Rest API Requests.