플러그인으로 사이트 기능을 향상시키세요

수천 개의 플러그인으로 사이트에 새로운 기능과 연계 서비스를 추가하세요.

11 plugins
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    door meteoart
    The best French weather forecast widget plugin!
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    Weather Widget WP
    door Ajdethemes
    Display weather information for a specific location.
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    door Rodrigo Recasens
    Este plugin te permite traer los datos del clima de yahoo clima, vas a levantar la temperatura pudiendo eleigir entre
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    WP NG Weather
    door Tony Samperi
    wp-ng-weather let's you put a weather widget anywhere in your blog
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    TMEP.cz widget
    door Lukáš Caha
    A simple plugin that add widget with temperature and humidity from www.tmep.cz.
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    Show Temperature for SwitchBot Meter
    door Kazushi Yoshida
    Don't you want to know temperature from remote? You can achieve with this plugin, Show Temprature for SwtichBot Meter.
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    Raspberry Weather
    door Peter Kodermac
    This plugin displays data recorded by your weather station. It connects to your database and draws a nice line graph.
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    Weather Slider
    door Michel Martínez
    Lee el tiempo desde Yahoo! Weather, de los códigos de las ciudades insertadas en el formulario. Muestra en los templates con efecto slider.
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    split order by different thermospheric transport 溫層拆單
    door CMEBOSS
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    temperature note for woocommerce
    door HaroldChen
    Automatically detect whether there are refrigerated products in the order, please define the product category to be refrigerated as: cold
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    Weather Postin'
    door Matthew Richmond
    Saves current weather information when a post is published. Weather information is then displayed after the post's contents.