
Block, Suspend, Report for BuddyPress

Block, Suspend, Report for BuddyPress biedt verbeterde moderatie voor je BuddyPress of BuddyBoss site.
Laatst bijgewerkt
April 16, 2024
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Block, Suspend, Report for BuddyPress is a must-have plugin for EVERY BuddyPress installation.

For a full list of features, documentation, screenshots and videos, head to the plugin page.

Elk gereedschap wordt hieronder verder toegelicht.


The Block tool allows your members to block another member. They simply click on a ‘block’ button, either on another member’s profile, or on the member list. Once blocked, neither member can send a message to the other. Each member’s profile pages become inaccessible, and display a simple message. Neither can view each other’s activity updates, or replies, and neither can send a friend request to one another.

  • Een eenvoudige oplossing om geschillen tussen leden aan te pakken.
  • Prevents escalation of abusive or unacceptable conduct between your members.
  • Lets your members deal with disputes by themselves, saving you time.


The Suspend tool allows you, as an administrator, to suspend a member. Available only to administrators is a ‘suspend’ button on your member’s profiles, the member directory, and the admin users screen. Once clicked by you, all of that member’s sessions are terminated, and they will be unable to log back in, instead seeing a custom message explaining the situation.

  • Quickly deals with members who have breached your acceptable standards policies.
  • Allows you to disable an account – until now, you would have to delete the account, or mark them as a spammer.
  • Keeps their profile, uploads, messages and other assets ready, should you decide they can return to the site.
  • See all your suspended members from the back end.


Flag inappropriate, abusive, or otherwise unacceptable behaviour to the site administrator. Each member’s profile now incorporates a ‘report’ button. This creates a new report, which administrators can see in the backend. You can specify a report type, similar to social media networks such as Facebook, to designate that report as ‘spam’ or ‘abusive’ and so on. You can set Block, Suspend, Report to email you when a new report is received.

  • Gives your members peace of mind that the site is open to moderation.
  • Allows you to deal with any report in your own time, without having to respond to internal messages or other notifications.
  • Set a threshold to automatically suspend a user when a number of reports are received.
  • Mark new reports as read/unread
  • Mark reports as unsubstantiated
  • See number of unread reports from the menu or the dashboard

Block, Suspend, Report for BuddyPress Premium Editions

The Premium editions adds the following features:

  • Pre-approval system for new activities and group posts
  • A ‘Latest Reports’ box in the dashboard
  • A ‘Most Blocked’ box, showing your site’s worst offenders
  • Integration with Paid Memberships Pro – enable blocking and reporting for certain levels only.
  • Assign a role to a suspended user
  • Automatically receive new features as they are built
  • Ability to add custom CSS to match your theme’s styling perfectly
  • Premium e-mailondersteuning

Plus, a super-charged report system:

  • You can allow a huge range of content to be reported and moderated, not just members themselves:

WordPress reacties Activiteit updates Activiteit reacties Groepen Privé berichten Forum onderwerpen Forum reacties rtMedia uploads

  • Create your own report types, or edit the default ones.
  • Add your own reports from the backend, ideal for when your members flag content directly to you via a private message or similar.
  • Whitelist any user roles that cannot be reported
  • Blacklist members so they can’t send reports (ideal for malicious complaints)
  • Modereer snel (verberg) elke activiteit vanuit het dashboard
  • Voeg je eigen moderators toe die toegang hebben tot het rapportagesysteem aan de front-end
  • Let your moderators deal with reports, suspensions, activity moderation

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  • Vikinger thema
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