A library to interact with Begin AI platform in order to build personalisation algorithms.
Laatst bijgewerkt
October 24, 2022
Begin AI

This is the Begin AI (Begin.ai) WordPress Plugin for application integration.

You can use this plugin to integrate applications with the Begin AI platform to deliver applications with personalization algorithms for: 1. Recommendation systems, such as recommending content, videos, game levels, and more. 2. Community moderation, such as detecting fake content and fake profiles or categorization of discussions. 3. Classification of objects, profiles, and content automatically into categories. 4. And many more machine learning algorithms

You do not need machine learning experience to use this library. Check out our documentation for details.


Register at https://begin.ai to get started.

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Deze plugin kan worden gedownload, zodat je hem op je zelf-gehoste WordPress-installatie kan gebruiken.