
Amazing Ads Manager

Randomly and Customizable display of advertisements on single post page or category archive page by category (categories) or custom post types.
Laatst bijgewerkt
August 18, 2015
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Amazing Ads Manager

Randomly and Customizable display of advertisements on single post page or category archive page by category (categories) or custom post types. Amazing Ads Manager includes all Google Adsense Display and Text Unit Sizes, Amazing Ads Manager recognises many ad networks including [Google Adsense].

Features Of Amazing Ads Manager:

  • Place ad using widget
  • In widget you can select to display ad randomly, Newest, Oldest, or specificaly by ID
  • Insert ad in single, page, or custom post using shortcode
  • Ad targeting by author, category, tag, page type, and much more
  • Auto-recognition for the most popular ad networks.
  • Add Single Image Ad on widget
  • Add Single Code Ad on widget
  • Auto Insert add to post/page/custom post content.
  • Randomly display add in single page


This plugin is released under the GPL – you can use it free of charge on your personal or commercial blog. Make sure to submit back to the project any changes that you make!

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