
ZMPush – Web Push Notifications

ZMPush lets you send Web Push Notifications to chrome, firefox and safari website visitors.
최근 업데이트일
May 5, 2019
활성화된 설치 항목
ZMPush – Web Push Notifications

ZMPush is a ready to use complete Web Push Notifications marketing solution. With ZMPush you can re-engage your mobile and desktop website visitors in different ways at any time. No programming skills are required to manage the ZMPush web push app. Intelligent plug&play targeting options. Optimize your campaigns with integrated conversion tracking. Support for chrome, firefox, safari, opera and soon microsoft edge.

To use this plugin, a (free) ZMPush account is required . The ZMPush App ID is provided right after creating a web push app. After install, you can manage all settings and send web push notifications using the ZMPush Dashboard.

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활성화된 설치 항목
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