
Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce

Add custom tabs with content to products in WooCommerce.
최근 업데이트일
February 26, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce

This plugin extends WooCommerce to allow shop owners to add custom tabs to products. The tabs are displayed on the individual product pages to the right of the default “Description” tab.

Individual product tabs are managed on the WooCommerce Edit Product screen and can be added on a per product basis. You can also create saved tabs and add them to multiple products as needed. Tabs can be easily added, deleted and rearranged.

Tab content areas use the standard WordPress text editor and may contain text, images, HTML or shortcodes.

If you experience any problems, please submit a ticket on our Free WordPress Support Forums and we’ll look in to it as soon as possible.

This plugin is compatible with WPML.

Upgrade to Custom Product Tabs Pro for great enhanced features!

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