Automatically sets up the WP language environment based on first part of url. Will setup XML lang attribute + $locale variable.
최근 업데이트일
June 5, 2009
활성화된 설치 항목

This very simple WordPress plugin automatically sets up the WP language environment based on the first part of the url of any page.

It will automatically setup the right XML header lang attribute + the internal WordPress $locale variable that is used to load the right language files for i18n and l10n (.po, .mo).


Your blog URL structure should always begin with an official two-letter langage code, for example:

  • /en/… for english
  • /es/… for Spanish
  • /ja/… for Japanese
  • /fr/… for French
  • etc.

Please use only lower-case codes.

Pages that don’t comply to this URL scheme will still get your blog’s default locale setting, as configured in your wp-config.php file.

Sometimes you need to rename or copy some of your po/mo files, for example French language PO files are usually named like this: fr_FR.po; just copy it to fr.po to make it work with a two-letter code.


This plugin is used for extended multi-language support on the open posts directory.


Ce plugin permet très simplement de faire fonctionner un blog multilingue ou bilingue, français/anglais par exemple.

Active support

Drop me a line on my YD Setup Locale plugin support site to report bugs, ask for specific feature or improvement, or just tell me how you’re using the plugin.


0.1.0 Initial beta release

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활성화된 설치 항목
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