
WPZOOM Forms – Contact Form Plugin for Gutenberg

WPZOOM Forms is a simple, user-friendly contact form plugin for WordPress that utilizes Gutenberg blocks for easy form building and customization.
최근 업데이트일
June 20, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
WPZOOM Forms – Contact Form Plugin for Gutenberg

WPZOOM Forms is a flexible and intuitive contact form plugin for WordPress that makes it easy to create and customize forms using the Gutenberg editor. With its user-friendly interface and a wide range of customizable options, WPZOOM Forms is perfect for both beginners and advanced users alike.


  • Drag-and-drop form builder: Create your forms using the Gutenberg editor with a simple drag-and-drop interface.
  • Email notifications: Receive email notifications when users submit your forms, and customize the email templates as needed.
  • Akismet integration for Anti-Spam Protection
  • Spam protection: Built-in reCAPTCHA integration helps protect your forms from spam submissions.
  • Works with Elementor
  • Display your form anywhere using built-in contact form shortcodes or contact form block
  • Pre-built templates: Choose from a variety of pre-designed form templates to get started quickly.
  • Date Picker field to create advanced forms like booking or reservations
  • Save Submissions to the Database: you can collect submissions using your forms and have them all saved in the Dashboard of yoru website. This helps to find quickly all messages left by your users.

Coming Soon

  • Conditional logic
  • Files upload

Additional Resources

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