
WPML Shortcodes

Adds shortcodes to the WPML environment, like wpml__, wpml_e and more. Makes WP full WPML ready.
최근 업데이트일
March 5, 2016
활성화된 설치 항목
WPML Shortcodes

Adds the wpml__ and wpml_e functions to your theme and the wpml__ shortcode to your WordPress website. Make your WordPress full WPML ready

<?php wpml__( $text, $context ); ?> <?php wpml_e( $text, $context ); ?>

Similarly to the behaviour of the __, _e functions, you must provide a string to make translateable and a context. That’s it; just provide translations from the WPML > String Translations admin panel.

Check how to use the shortcode below.

Usage (via code)

<h1><?php echo wpml__( 'Title', 'wpmlshortcodes' ); ?></h1> <h2><?php wpml_e( 'Subtitle', 'wpmlshortcodes' ); ?></h2>

Usage (via shortcode)

<h1>[wpml__ context=wpmlshortcodes]Title[/wpml__]</h1> <h2>[wpml__ context=wpmlshortcodes]Subtitle[/wpml__]</h2>

NEWS! WPML Translate (+ shortcode) Adds the wpml_if (ex wpml_translate) shortcode to your WPML suite. You can also use the wpml_e__if_language( $content, $lang ) in your php code.

Usage (via code)

<p><?php wpml_e__if_language( 'Text', 'en' ); wpml_e__if_language( 'Testo', 'it' ); ?></p>

Usage (via shortcode)

[wpml_if lang='en']Text[/wpml_if][wpml_if lang='it']Testo[/wpml_if]

It also supports backward compatibility for wpml_translate and wpml_language from WPML Translate Shortcode (deprecated plugin);

WPML Translate Shortcode > WPML Shortcodes

Welcome to the new WPML Shortcodes. This plugin is the new WPML Translate Shortcode, became a full-translation suite.

Of course we still support WPML Translate Shortcode, with a new shortcode (1.2.4+): wpml_if (see usage above). Also, we provide full backward compatibility (yes, you can still use wpml_translate or wpml_language shortcodes) on 1.2.6+.


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Author: Mirco Babini, Web Developer and Mobile App Developer; WordPress Consultant.

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