Choose delivery date and time on checkout page. Display delivery details in orders. Fully integrated with WooCommerce.
최근 업데이트일
June 26, 2024
Order Delivery Date & Time For WooCommerce

WooCommerce Delivery Date & Time picker on checkout page A flexible and optimized WordPress plugin that allows you to add a date & time field on the checkout page so users can select a specific delivery date. It also allows flexibility to add an additional charge if a specific delivery date is chosen.

Flexible Delivery Date Selection Options 1. Allow customers to choose their preferred delivery date during checkout. 2. Provide an option to charge extra for selecting specific delivery dates. 3. Allow users to mark the delivery date as a required field. 4. Set a limit on the maximum selectable dates. 5. Disable delivery on weekends that are not available for product delivery. 6. Make the delivery date field mandatory on the checkout page. 7. Automatically display the earliest available delivery date and time for selection. 8. Customize delivery date field labels according to business needs.

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