
WP W3D plugin

WP W3D aims to help WP users or developers to add easily several UI elements to their website, including 3D components and complex animated layouts.
최근 업데이트일
April 1, 2014
활성화된 설치 항목
WP W3D plugin

This plugin aims to help WordPress users or developers to add – very easily – several UI elements to their websites, including 3D components and layouts based upon the work of the W3D project.

Thanks to dedicated admin settings screens and a powerful shortcode system, creating, customizing and adding complex elements to a WordPress website is really fast and intuitive. The plugin offers a wide range of components from sliders to HTML layouts.

The plugin will help people to customize their WordPress site even if they don’t know HTML, CSS or PHP. Developpers who know these languages will be able to customize the plugin by adding their own stylesheets or templates. Various WP filters are also available to help wordpress developers customizing HTML output.

See the official plugin page for more informations and demos (EN/FR).

This plugin is based upon the work of the W3D Project‘s consortium and created by the french Web agency MBA Multimedia

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