
WP Visited Countries

WP Visited Countries is a WordPress plugin that allows you to easily create and publish a map of the countries you have visited and lived.
최근 업데이트일
April 13, 2012
활성화된 설치 항목

WP Visited Countries is a WordPress plugin that allows you to easily create and publish a map of the countries you have visited and lived.

Features: * Interactive map * Can be easily customized via the admin panel to suit your preferences. This includes map color, width, height, and many more! * Can be added into a page, post, or widget * Visited/lived countries are highlighted with different colors that can be set by the user. * Each country is clickable when provided with a URL, allowing you to direct your visitors to the preferred posts in your blog/website * Can be translated to other languages. Full i18n-Support through gnutext mo/po files * Supports multisite

View a LIVE demo of the plugin at

For more information visit the Plugin Homepage

This plugin uses amMap for displaying a map

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활성화된 설치 항목
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