
Author: António Andrade

Handles naming of each post page through a TinyMCE button and produces a Table of Contents for the said post.
최근 업데이트일
December 19, 2015
활성화된 설치 항목
Author: António Andrade

WP Table of Paginated Contents handles naming of each post page and produces a Table of Contents. It uses the native <!--nextpage--> tag but adds a shortcode to store section titles.

Check the screenshots for a clearer idea.


  • Naming of each post page;
  • Output or generation of a Table of Contents (using a list or a drop down menu);
  • Output or generation of next/prev post pages navigation, using the section titles.

Suggestions are welcome and please report any bugs found!


This plugin provides two main methods to be used within the loop (

To echo the table of contents:

To echo the next/prev navigation links:

Usage Examples

To output the Table of Contents use the following snippet, inside your post loop:

<?php if( function_exists( 'wptopc' ) ){ wptopc(); } ?>

Alternatively you may output the Table of Contents as a drop down menu using the snippet:

<?php if( function_exists( 'wptopc' ) ){ wptopc("select", "The Post Table of Contents"); } ?>

To output a next/prev navigation with the section titles, use the following snippet, inside your post loop:

<?php if( function_exists( 'wptopc_pagination_links' ) ){ wptopc_pagination_links(); } ?>

To store the output of these functions prefix them with “get_”, like in: get_wptopc() or get_wptopc_pagination_links()

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