
WP Moneybookers Shortcodes

This plugin insert Moneybookers button (pages, posts), with shortcode or use class.
최근 업데이트일
February 27, 2011
활성화된 설치 항목

Add a moneybookers button (using shortcode) into your pages/posts Edit the wp-content/plugins/wp-moneybookers-shortcodes/wp-moneybookers-shortcodes.php for configure the plugin. Or use class for integration moneybookers into your page.


Insert the button in your pages or posts with this shortcode [moneybookersBtn production=”true” amount=”50″ detail1_description=”Product Identity:” detail1_text=”T-Shirt Webtux”]

Integration moneybookers into your page

Add this code to your template page.

$a = new WpMoneybookersShortcodes(""); // account moneybookers email /* // If you want custom your page : payment made, payment cancelled and process payment. $a->setReturnUrl(get_bloginfo('template_url')."/moneybookers_payment_made.php"); // return page (url of the page is created for receipt of payment made) $a->setCancelUrl(get_bloginfo('template_url')."/moneybookers_payment_cancelled.php"); // cancel page (url of the page is created for receiving payment canceled) $a->setStatusUrl(get_bloginfo('template_url')."/moneybookers_process_payment.php"); // status page (url of the page is created for receiving the payment process) */ $a->setProduction(true); // false:test, true:production $a->setLanguage("FR"); // location (ex: EN, DE, ES, FR, IT, ...) $a->setCurrency("EUR"); // currency (ex: EUR or GBP or ...) $a->setAmount(10); // price product (ex: 39.60 or 39.6 or 39) $a->setDetail1Description("Product ID: "); // description (ex: Product ID:) $a->setDetail1Text("T-Shirt Webtux"); // text (ex: T-Shirt Webtux) echo $a->getMoneybookersBtn(); // show your moneybookers button

See the Changelog for what’s new.

Arbitrary section

For information contact me


[moneybookersBtn production=”true” amount=”50″ detail1_description=”Product Identity:” detail1_text=”T-Shirt Webtux”]

Moneybookers official manual

Official page Integration manual en fr Handbook of automated payment interface en fr

무료Creator 요금제에서
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