
WP Migrate DB Anonymization

Addon for WP Migrate DB and WP Migrate DB Pro to anonymize user data on database export, pull or push.
최근 업데이트일
January 26, 2022
활성화된 설치 항목
WP Migrate DB Anonymization

This addon requires WP Migrate DB Pro or WP Migrate DB.

Ensure no user personal data is included when a database is exported, pulled or pushed using WP Migrate DB (export) or WP Migrate DB Pro (export, pull, push).

When the plugin is activated it will anonymize by default. You will need to deactivate the plugin to turn it off.

User data is anonymized and includes data from the following tables:

  • users
  • usermeta
  • comments

Supported plugins:

  • WooCommerce

To preserve specific rows in the users table, use the WPMDB_ANONYMIZATION_USER_LOGIN_WHITELIST constant to set a whitelist of comma separated user logins.

To replace all passwords with a hashed default password, set the password using the WPMDB_ANONYMIZATION_DEFAULT_PASSWORD constant.

The configuration rules can be extended with a filter. Learn how.

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