
WP jQuery DataTable

기능 can be settings to meet your exact needs for your table implementations. like Paging,Ordering,search, etc...
최근 업데이트일
December 23, 2022
활성화된 설치 항목
WP jQuery DataTable

Plugin’s settings will display ‘WP jQuery DataTable’ tab

  1. WP Jquery Data table plugin can help the WordPress website owner to insert table anywhere for displaying any information in tabular form, which will also have some cool features like option of selecting no. of pages, columns and pagination to be displayed in one page along with the search option to access the relevant data immediately from the long table, saving time and effort.
  2. This plugin is useful for exact needs for your table implementations.
  3. Short code is : [wp_jdt id=”table id here”]
  4. You can apply this short code into page/post’s editor or also can add into PHP file. Like


  1. Show information about the table
  2. Allow table pagination, number of rows to display on page and pagination button display options.
  3. Show table entries options
  4. Allow table column ordering, define which column(s) the order and apply order (asc or desc.
  5. Allow table searching
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