
WP Job Manager - Resume Manager

Add resume listings and a resume submission form to your jobs site.
최근 업데이트일
June 28, 2024
Resume Manager lets you setup a lightweight resume posting site, built upon WP Job Manager. Candidates can create multiple resumes, including their key details and as much education and experience as they wish. When applying for a job they can then select which resume to use for that job, as well as a message which is emailed to the employer. Being shortcode based, it can work with any theme (given a bit of CSS styling) and is really simple to setup. The admin UI is very similar to WP Job Manager, listing submitted resumes and allowing admin to approve, edit and delete.

Resume Submission

The resume submission form collects the candidates name and contact information, websites, education and employment history. After submitting the form a preview is displayed. The preview matches the appearance of a live resume.

Apply to jobs with resumes

Jobs which have an email address for the application method can be applied to through resumes. A form will be displayed prompting the user to choose a resume on file and input their message which will then be emailed to the employer. The employer will also get a private link to view the online resume on-site.
  • Allow candidates to post resumes to your site and apply to jobs with the resumes
  • List resumes, restricting access to certain user roles if you wish
  • Restrict which user roles can view candidate contact details
Resume Manager is really simple to administrate, being very similar to WP Job Manager and makes life easier for employers and candidates.  
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