
WP Interactive Posts

Plugin for interactive sharing on all your pages and posts on Google Plus
최근 업데이트일
May 7, 2013

WP Interactive Posts

Save time and frustration fiddling with annoying and complicated code – simply install the WP Interactive Post plugin, and start benefiting from customised G+ shares with Interactive Post Labels – effort free!

Demo Url :

This plugin allows you to have interactive sharing on all your pages. Customise the button to read : share, post, Happy Monday, if you fancy.

You can customise the button in the Google+ share : read, read more, connect, from a selection of options provided by Google.

You do need to create and allow an api access, we direct you to the page and provide screenshots and information for you to follow to successfully find your api code.

What is Google+ Interactive Sharing?

Interactive posts provide an easy and eye catching way to allow visitors on your site to share your site or app with their Google+ circles Interactive posts can drive new users to your site, improve conversions, and increase engagement.

An interactive post in the Google+ stream is similar to a basic shared post but adds a call-to-action button and support for deep linking.

See Google:

Arbitrary section

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