
WP Image Color Palette

Gets your attachment's dominant colors.
최근 업데이트일
August 14, 2017
활성화된 설치 항목
WP Image Color Palette


  • Extracts colors from attachment images and saves it to the post meta.
  • Several php functions to receive the post meta or extract data from images on the fly.

PHP functions

You can find your image swatches in the post meta. There are two global php functions to get these values:

wpip_get_post_thumbnail_color( int|WP_Post $post )

Gets the main rgb color from a post.

wpip_get_post_thumbnail_colors( int|WP_Post $post )

Gets the main rgb colors from a post.

Advanced users may also like the following functions to extract the colors from any image they want in WordPress.

wpip_get_image_color( string $file, int $precision = 20, int $palette_length = 5 )

Gets the main color from an image.

wpip_get_image_colors( string $file, int $precision = 20, int $palette_length = 5 )

Gets the image color palette.

After activation

  1. Visit the ‘Image Color Palette’ page in your ‘Tools’ menu.
  2. Check the Debug information. If everything looks good, you are ready to off.
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