
WP Discord Post Plus – Supports Unlimited Channels

WP Discord Post Plus integrates with WordPress and WooCommerce (if installed) to send your new post and orders to discord channels.
최근 업데이트일
April 16, 2023
활성화된 설치 항목
WP Discord Post Plus –  Supports Unlimited Channels

WP Discord Post Plus integrates with WordPress and WooCommerce (if installed) to send your new post and orders to discord channels. You can configure multiple channels separately for your blog posts or WooCommerce orders.


  • Send new post to Discord
  • Send WooCommerce orders to discord
  • Post Metabox integration

Send New Post to Discord

After you configure the Webhook URLs, all of your published posts will be sent to discord automatically. You can select a separate channel for each category. You will also be able to select a default channel for posts that don’t match any category. If your post has multiple categories, the post will only be sent to the first one.

Send WooCommerce Orders to Discord

After you configure the Webhook URLs for WooCommerce, all of your orders will be sent to discord automatically. You can select a separate channel for each product category. You will also be able to select a default channel for orders that don’t match any category. If your orders have multiple categories, the order will only be sent to the first one.

Post Metabox Integration

Additionally, the plugin offers a post metabox integration, where you can select whether you want to send a particular post to discord or not. It only works for newly published posts.

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