This plugin allows you to set up a custom login page, and set a custom footer message in the WordPress Admin.
최근 업데이트일
June 16, 2018
활성화된 설치 항목

This plugin allows you to set up a custom login page, including your logo. It also allows you to set a custom footer by adding in your own text or HTML.

  • Allows you to specify a URL to an image you’d like to use as your WordPress Admin login page’s logo.
  • Allows you to specify your own text and/or HTML to replace the footer of the WordPress Admin with.
  • Sets the URL of your blog as the URL visited when a user clicks the logo on the WordPress Admin login page.
  • Sets the title (seen when you hover your mouse over the logo) of the logo’s link to be your blog’s name.
  • Allows you to specify the background color and the text/links color of the WordPress Admin login page.

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