
WP Content Scheduler With Range

Scheduler of WordPress posts, custom posts, pages, WooCommerce products etc.
최근 업데이트일
June 29, 2021
활성화된 설치 항목
WP Content Scheduler With Range

WP Content Scheduler With Range plugin is a WordPress plugin to schedule the post and page with a range of dates. This plugin is also Compatible with WooCommerce. It means user can schedule thier shop’s products also. User can move to trash/draft their posts after exceeding its dates, by selecting the options of move to from setting page.

Main features

  • Schedules the content(posts, pages, custom posts) of wordpress and woocommerce.
  • Easy Customization.
  • WP Content Scheduler With Range provides facility to choose the post types.
  • Contents(posts, pages, custom posts, woocommerce products ) can be moved to trash after exceeding its date.
  • WP Content Scheduler With Range provides facility to add some occasional content( some extra content) to be shown at any page at front-end.
  • WP Content Scheduler With Range provides graphical user interface to users.
  • Users may choose single or multiple post types and content as well.
  • Settings for extending the features.
  • Compatible with WooCommerce and WordPress.
  • WooCommerce’s Prodcuts can also be scheduled for specific dates.
  • Easy to use and install
  • Easy to configure
  • Many options for adding Occasional Content, like: on which page it is to be shown and what will be position of the content (Top Or Bottom) etc.
  • Admin can now manage the display of occasional contents weekly, monthly, daily and can select a range of dates.
  • Show/Hide posts, pages, custom posts and products as well.
  • Shortcode creation that can be defined for selected date-range.


Live Demo



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