
WordPress PayPal Donation Plugin

The WordPress PayPal Donations Plugin allows you to create a donations page or post where your readers can donate any amount they wish.
최근 업데이트일
April 5, 2009
활성화된 설치 항목

The WordPress PayPal Donations Plugin allows you to create a donations page or post where your readers can donate any amount they wish. Features include:

  • Specify the number of donations and/or links to show
  • Specify an expiry date whereby donations older than this date will not be shown
  • Offer the ability to supply a link back to their own site if the user donates more than a specified amount
  • Show a graph bar showing how much has been donated towards your supplied target figure
  • Multiple currencies supported

WordPress PayPal Donations Plugin uses IPN to ensure the values are correct and you can also chose to display your total donations to date.

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