
WordPress FriendFeed Comments Plugin

Did you know that with every received comment your blog’s SEO is improving? Do you know how to increase the number of comments? You can use WordPress …
최근 업데이트일
April 21, 2009

Did you know that with every received comment your blog’s SEO is improving? Do you know how to increase the number of comments? You can use WordPress FriendFeed Comments Plugin to increase your blog’s comments. It automatically finds your WordPress blog’s rss items on FriendFeed, and shows all received FriendFeed comments under comments section of your blog posts. It allows you to show FriendFeed comments in your blog, and helps you increase your blog’s popularity.

You have full control on deleting and approving the comments received via FriendFeed. You can also show your blog’s readers who liked your blog post at FriendFeed. If you like you can also add your own comments at FriendFeed as blog comments.

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