
WordMagic AI – ChatGPT GPT-3 AI content writer

Most advanced GPT-3 based AI content writer and image generator with gutenberg integration.
최근 업데이트일
January 23, 2023
활성화된 설치 항목
WordMagic AI – ChatGPT GPT-3 AI content writer

WordMagic AI powered by most advanced GPT-3 artificial intelligence module makes it super easy to generate high quality, seo optimized, engaging content for your WordPress site within seconds!. Choose your preferred writing style and writing tone to get the perfect content with the help of natural language processing technology.

GPT-3 by OpenAI is the new state-of-art natural language processing technology that every blog writer was waiting for and its finally here!. The image generation is handled by DALL-E, the robust, versatile, highly advanced artifical intelligence based image generation module.

WordMagic AI uses “bring your own api key” model and sends your request to OpenAI to fetch most appropriate content. You neeed to provide OpenAI API key for plugin to work and you agree to OpenAI terms & conditions by using this plugin.

Features: * The most accurate text-davinci-003 model of GPT-3 is used. * Choose writing style and writing tone based on your blog nature. * Super simple content generation sidebar within Gutenberg page bulder of WordPress. * Drag & drop headlines order on the fly. * Distraction free interface. * Easy settings panel with most basic settings for non-technical. * Automatic introduction and conclusion paragraph. * Control headlines count easily. * Enable/disable DALL-E image generation as per your preference.

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