
Direct Checkout for WooCommerce

Formerly "WooCommerce Direct Checkout". This plugin simplifies the entire WooCommerce checkout process to improve your sales rate.
최근 업데이트일
June 28, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Direct Checkout for WooCommerce

Premium | Demo | Documentation | Community

WooCommerce direct checkout is a helpful tool to simplify the checkout process. Direct checkout converts into one-click process, customer dicesion to sale.


WooCommerce Direct Checkout is a plugin to allow the steps reduction inside Woocommerce checkout process. You are able to simplify the checkout process by skipping the shopping cart page. The “Add to cart” button is added in each product to redirect customers to the checkout page. This can encourage buyers to shop more and quickly. You will increase your sales reducing cart abandonment.


  • Simplify check out process.
  • Reduce cart abandonment
  • Skip add to cart.
  • Avoid reload checkout page.
  • Remove checkout fields.
  • Quick purchase functionality.
  • Simplify Woocommerce.

Formerly WooCommerce Direct Checkout

This plugin was formerly known as “WooCommerce Direct Checkout”. WordPress forced us on August 8, 2019 to change the name of the plugin due to use of the “WooCommerce” word at the beginning of the name. We apologize for the problems that the downtime may have caused to you.

Ajax add to cart

The Ajax add to cart option allows you to include single products, variable, grouped and virtual products in the cart without required to reload the entire site each time.

Speed checkout process

WooCommerce Direct Checkout aims to simplify the checkout process, leading to an immediate increase in sales. This plugin for WooCommerce allows you to redirect users to the checkout instead of cart page, change the text and link of the added to cart alert and include the ajax add to cart button in the products pages.

Remove checkout fields

The checkout options allow you to easily remove the unnecessary fields to reduce the user spend completing those fields. Also WooCommerce Direct Checkot allows you to remove other unnecessary things in the checkout process like the order comments, shipping address, coupon form, policy text, and terms and conditions.

One page checkout

In the premium version of WooCommerce Direct Checkot, we’ve included an incredible feature that includes a cart form in the checkout. This allows your users to edit the cart items directly in the checkout page, avoiding the need to force them to edit the order in the cart page.

Quick purchase button

The premium version of WooCommerce Direct Checkot allows to include a quick purchase button in the single products page that redirects your users directly to the checkout page, avoiding the need to force them to add the products in the cart. \


  1. Use less bandwidth
  2. Reduce server load
  3. Speed user experience
  4. Increase your sales!
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