
Category Discount Woocommerce

Category Discount Woocommerce allows administrator to add and remove discount to products based on Category.
최근 업데이트일
March 19, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Category Discount Woocommerce

“Category Discount Woocommerce” enables administrator to apply discount on products based on Woocommerce product categories with just few clicks!! You don’t need to create separate categories for discount. Just one click & discount is applied. (Even to thousands of products)..!!

Key features:

  • Apply discount to products, based on your existing categories. No need to create separate categories for discount
  • Apply / Remove discount to products with a single click, even to thousands of products.

Don’t believe it? Try it out here, its free..!!

PRO version features:

  • Apply discount by Product categories, product attributes, product tags & product brand
  • Schedule hourly discount for future dates
  • Exclude specific products from Category, Brand or Attribute discounts
  • Choose if you want to apply maximum/minimum discount, when product has multiple attributes/categories etc.

Buy PRO version here: WooExtend (With 1000+ Happy Users)

Thank you for LOVING this plugin..!!

Demo of PRO version

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