Show text, a call to action or custom HTML when a product has no price set.
최근 업데이트일
June 29, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Woo Custom Empty Price

This plugin will allow you to completely customise the empty price HTML on a single product page. It can be used to add a ‘CONTACT FOR PRICING’ call to action button, some advisory text, or any custom HTML you choose.

There are three ‘content types’ available for flexibility & ease of use:

  1. A simple text box with options for bold or italic styling
  2. A button with an optional link
  3. An option to add your own custom HTML

By default it will use the styles available in your custom theme, but each content type has a configurable CSS class, should you wish to style the content further.

Note on variable products:

The custom content will only show on variable products if none of the variations have a price set. Due to the nature of variable products, this will result in an out of stock message being displayed. If you do not wish to have this out of stock message, the simplest option is to only use this on ‘Simple’ or ‘Grouped’ products.

무료Creator 요금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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