
WP Courseware for WooCommerce

This plugin adds integration between WooCommerce and WP Courseware which allows you to associate courses to digital products for automatic enrollment.
최근 업데이트일
December 13, 2023
활성화된 설치 항목
WP Courseware for WooCommerce

Fly Plugins presents WooCommerce for WP Courseware a simple, yet powerful WordPress LMS plugin.

Would you like to sell an online course with WooCommerce?

The WooCommerce Addon for WP Courseware will add full integration with WP Courseware. Simply assign WP Courseware courses to a WooCommerce product. When a student purchases the product, they will automatically be enrolled into the associated courses.

With this addon, you will be able to create a fully automated Learning Management System and sell online courses.

WooCommerce Plugin Integration with WP Courseware Plugin

Basic Configuration Steps

  1. Create a course with WP Courseware and add modules, units, and quizzes
  2. Create a product and set a price
  3. Associate one or more WP Courseware courses with the product
  4. New student pays for the product, and WP Courseware enrolls them to the appropriate courses based on the purchased product

Check out Fly Plugins

For more tools and resources for selling online courses check out:

  • WP Courseware – The leading learning management system for WordPress. Create and sell online courses with a drag and drop interface. It’s that easy!
  • S3 Media Maestro – The most secure HTML 5 media player plugin for WordPress with full AWS (Amazon Web Services) S3 and CloudFront integration.

Follow Fly Plugins


This plugin is only the integration, or “middle-man” between WP Courseware and WooCommerce.

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