
Cart Weight for WooCommerce

Display order total weight in the cart of your WooCommerce shop.
최근 업데이트일
June 3, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Cart Weight for WooCommerce

Display the weight of the products the customers are about to order in the cart, minicart and checkout. Just turn the plugin on and that’s it!

This plugin does not require any additional configuration. Once it is activated the order total weight value will be automatically displayed in the aforementioned places.

English, Polish and German translations included. You can easily translate it to other languages as well.

Get more WooCommerce plugins from Octolize We know WooCommerce shipping inside out and put all our experience into our plugins. Check our WooCommerce premium plugins here

Interested in plugin translations?

We are actively looking for contributors to translate this and other Octolize plugins. Each supported language tremendously help store owners to conveniently manage shipping operations.

Your translations contribute to the WordPress community at large. Moreover, we’re glad to offer you discounts for our PRO plugins and establish long-term collaboration. If you have any translation related questions, please email us at

Head over here and help us to translate this plugin:

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