
WooCommerce Bookings Extensions

Adds or replaces functionality in the WooCommerce Bookings plugin.
최근 업데이트일
November 11, 2022
활성화된 설치 항목

Adds or replaces functionality in the WooCommerce Bookings plugin.

This plugin adds the short code wcbooking_search which generates a form with a duration and possibly persons selection field

wcbooking_search duration_unit=”{month|day|hour|minute}” duration=”” [method=”{include|exclude}” ids=””]

You can link bookable products together. If you are booking out rooms in a house separately or the whole house.

Use the shortcode [wcbooking_calendar] to add a calendar to the page. If used on a product page the product id is automatically added. Options: product_id=[product_id] class=”” default_view=”[view]” header_left=”” header_center=”” header_right=””

List of possible views: * dayGridMonth – Month view * timeGridWeek – Time grid of the week * timeGridDay – Time grid of the day * resourceTimeGridDay – Day time grid separated by resource * listWeek – List of events for the week * title – Day/Month or Week title

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활성화된 설치 항목
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