
Microsoft Azure Storage for WordPress

Use the Microsoft Azure Storage service to host your website's media files.
최근 업데이트일
May 6, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Microsoft Azure Storage for WordPress

This WordPress plugin allows you to use Microsoft Azure Storage Service to host your media and uploads for your WordPress powered website. Microsoft Azure Storage is an effective way to infinitely scale storage of your site and leverage Azure’s global infrastructure.

For more details on Microsoft Azure Storage, please visit the Microsoft Azure website.

For more details on configuring a Microsoft Azure Storage account and on using the plugin with the Block Editor or Classic Editor, please visit the user guide.

Known Issues

Storage Account Versions

Storage accounts can be created via CLI, classic Azure portal, or the new Azure portal, with varying results.

If a Storage account is created with the new Azure portal, authentication will fail, resulting in the inability to view/add containers or files. Creating a Storage account with the Azure CLI should allow the plugin to work with new Storage accounts.

Responsive Images in WordPress 4.4

Images uploaded to the Azure Storage service will not automatically receive responsive versions. Images added through the WordPress Media Loader should get automatically converted to responsive images when inserted into a post or page. We are investigating options for full support of responsive images in the plugin.

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