
Wild Apricot Login

Provides single sign-on service for Wild Apricot members to provide access to restricted Wild Apricot content.
최근 업데이트일
April 17, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Wild Apricot Login

The Wild Apricot Login plugin allows you to restrict content on your WordPress to your Wild Apricot members, and provide access to restricted Wild Apricot content such as member directories and member-only events. Any restricted Wild Apricot content – embedded using Wild Apricot widgets – can be accessed without further authentication.

You can display a login button for single sign-on by adding a widget – installed along with the Wild Apricot Login plugin – to the header in your WordPress theme layout, or by inserting a shortcode in your page content. A shortcode can be added to a WordPress page to restrict WordPress content to Wild Apricot members. As well, you can use the plugin to add Wild Apricot membership levels as WordPress roles.

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