
Widget Manager Light

Widget Manager lets you control on which pages widgets appear via nice and easy interface. Show or hide widgets. Display relevant content on your page …
최근 업데이트일
March 3, 2022
활성화된 설치 항목
Widget Manager Light

Widget Manager gives you full control over widget visibility via nice and easy interface.

Every widget can now be displayed on or hidden from one or few pages. Display relevent content on your pages, posts, categories, tags, archives, custom post types, custom taxonomies, page templates, WordPress service pages, etc..

Upgrade to the Pro version of this plugin – the worlds most complete Sidebar and Widget management system for WordPress including regular updates and premium support: Sidebar and Widget Manager | Demo site

Display widgets based on language(WMPL plugin) or user role is available as well.

Support for WooCommerce plugin, bbPress plugin and BuddyPress plugin has been added too.

This plugin works with all widgedets – WordPress default and any custom added widget.

The interface is very intuitive and requires no coding knowledge at all.

How Widget Manager Light works

  • Go to Appearance -> Widgets.
  • Select a Widget in any sidebar.
  • Click on the Set Visibility button.
  • Select where to display on or hide from.
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