Send push notifications to your visitors! Uses the W3C Push API.
최근 업데이트일
April 22, 2016
활성화된 설치 항목
Web Push

This plugin uses the W3C Push API to allow you to send push notifications to anyone who visits your site and signs up for notifications.

Once you’ve installed and configured this plugin, anyone visiting your site/app in browsers that support the W3C Push API (Firefox and Chrome, at the time of writing) will be asked whether they want to receive notifications from your site. You will immediately be able to send push notifications to anyone who consents.

Configure the plugin in the Settings > Web Push section of your WordPress installation. Here you can set various pieces of configuration, including:

  • The title for push notifications that appear from your site
  • When to attempt to register your visitor for push notifications (e.g. after how many visits)
  • Which types of events should trigger push notifications (e.g. new posts, comments, updates to posts)

N.B.: This plugin requires your website to be served via HTTPS. Indeed, for security reasons, browsers enforce the HTTPS policy for the Push API and for Service Workers.

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