
Wakker Media Newsletter Checkout Checkbox

Wakker Media Newsletter Checkout Checkbox adds a newsletter checkbox on the Woocommerce Checkout Page.
최근 업데이트일
March 14, 2014
활성화된 설치 항목

Wakker Media Newsletter Checkout Checkbox is a quick solution for adding a newsletter checkbox on the Woocommerce Checkout Page. This plugin needs the Newsletter plugin by Stefano Lissa and Woocommerce by Woothemes.

This plugin adds a checkbox for receiving a newsletter from the Newsletter plugin by Stefano Lissa on the Checkout page by Woocommerce. It uses the settings which are added by the Newsletter plugin Subscription Steps (From the Admin menu: Newsletter – Subscription Steps). How to use?

Install the Newsletter plugin by Stefano Lissa and Woocommerce by Woothemes and Wakker Media Checkout Checkbox. Activate the plugins.

Adjust the settings on the page Subscription Steps (admin menu: Newsletter – Subscription Steps):

For adding the checkbox on the checkout page, enable: Subscription on registration (Choose: “Yes, show the option” or “Yes, show the option already checked”) Type something like: “Receive Newsletter” for Check box label

All Done!!

Arbitrary section

A brief Markdown Example

Ordered list:

  1. Adds Newsletter Checkbox on Woocommerce Checkout page
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활성화된 설치 항목
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