An availability calendar for vacation rentals driven from any calendar that exports iCal (HomeAway, VRBO, Flipkey, AirBnB etc.).
최근 업데이트일
May 23, 2023
활성화된 설치 항목

An availability calendar for vacation rentals driven via the iCal standard by any calendar that exports iCal format (HomeAway, VRBO, Flipkey, AirBnB, Google, Apple iCloud, and more). Now Supports English, Spanish, or French langauges and date formats – built right in! Want your language added, just ask! The availability calendar shows the next 36 months of availability. Shortcodes enable you to display your calendar on any page or post in three different sizes. Arrive and depart dates from your master calendar are displayed as available and unavailable nights. The depart day is not counted as an unavailable night. Sync from your sources Daily, Twice Daily, or Hourly and modify the color options to fit your site’s look and feel perfectly.’

무료Creator 요금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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