
vooPlayer v4

1 Interactive Video Player Platform for WordPress Designed to Grow Your Business. Publish, optimize & A/B test unlimited videos, MP4, YouTube, Vim …
최근 업데이트일
November 20, 2018
활성화된 설치 항목
vooPlayer v4

vooPlayer WordPress plugin is an add-on to the vooPlayer SaaS platform which allows you to fully customize, analyze and add superpowers to any video, hosted anywhere including on YouTube, Vimeo, Dropbox, AmazonS3 or even host it on your own server or elsewhere.

Here are just few of the amazing features:

  • Add unlimited clickable text overlays and buttons (at any given moment!)
  • Add Pay-per-view locks to your videos
  • Add opt-in forms inside your videos
  • Set up split-tests to see what video performs best
  • Create branching logic for your videos
  • See average completion rate and exit points (who watches the whole video, and when do they leave)
  • Automatically redirect visitors to any URL when they finish watching the video
  • Show a clickable image ad when users pause the video
  • Set it to auto-pause the video when users leave your page, then continue the video when they return.
  • Lock your video content at a particular time and ask viewers to share it on social sites to continue.

It’s designed to work with: – WordPress (both posts and pages) – iPhone/iPad and other mobile devices (html5) – Aweber – GetResponse – Mailchimp – YouTube Video links – Amazon S3 – MP4

Learn More About vooPlayer

vooPlayer is a web-based video player application that helps user customize, analyze, optimize and publish videos on their website.

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