
Voce Group Keys

Create string keys for caching based off of specified groups, allowing clearing keys based on the groups to which they belong.
최근 업데이트일
February 3, 2015

Gives functions to use to generate strings to use as keys for caching. Keys are generated based on a passed in name and zero or more groups. Providing the same name and groups will return the same key until the entire cache is cleared or the cache for a specific group name is cleared.


$key: STRING $groups: STRING|ARRAY

<?php if ( class_exists( 'Voce_Group_Keys' ) ) { // Get a key for $key that is in the $groups group(s) voce_get_cache_key( $key, $groups ); // Clear the keys for $groups // If multiple groups are specified, keys in any of the specified groups will be cleared voce_clear_group_cache( $groups ); // Clear all keys voce_clear_all_group_cache(); }

Example 1

<?php if ( class_exists( 'Voce_Group_Keys' ) ) { // Get a key without a group echo voce_get_cache_key( 'data' ); // data_4942b011eb // Get keys in a single group echo voce_get_cache_key( 'data', 'people' ); // data_9915443f5c echo voce_get_cache_key( 'more-data', 'people' ); // more-data_9915443f5c // The same key will be returned echo voce_get_cache_key( 'data', 'people' ); // data_9915443f5c // Clear keys in the 'people' group voce_clear_group_cache( 'people' ); // After clearing keys, a new key is returned for keys using that group echo voce_get_cache_key( 'data', 'people' ); // data_77j18e728 echo voce_get_cache_key( 'data' ); // data_4942b011eb }

Example 2

<?php if ( class_exists( 'Voce_Group_Keys' ) ) { // Set transients using multiple groups echo voce_get_cache_key( 'user-data', 'users' ); // user-data_9915443f5c echo voce_get_cache_key( 'post-data', 'posts' ); // post-data_85fb002156 echo voce_get_cache_key( 'user-post-data', array( 'posts', 'users' ) ); // user-post-data_4aee2c2c89 // Clear any keys using the 'posts' group voce_clear_group_cache( 'posts' ); // New keys returned for anything in the 'posts' group echo voce_get_cache_key( 'user-data', 'users' ); // user-data_9915443f5c echo voce_get_cache_key( 'post-data', 'posts' ); // post-data_820dd0dfb0 echo voce_get_cache_key( 'user-post-data', array( 'posts', 'users' ) ); // user-post-data_b7ac93f802 // The order of groups is irrelevant echo voce_get_cache_key( 'user-post-data', array( 'users', 'posts' ) ); // user-post-data_b7ac93f802 // Clear any keys in either the 'users' or 'posts' groups voce_clear_group_cache( array( 'users', 'posts' ) ); // Clear all keys voce_clear_all_group_cache(); }
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