
Village Client Area

A client area plugin for Photographers
최근 업데이트일
June 13, 2016
활성화된 설치 항목

Village Client Area allows you to easily create password protected galleries where you can upload images form your photoshoots in a gallery and share the link with your client. You can also password protect your client galleries to make sure only they see their images.

At the moment, for full functionality, Village Client Area relies on ( but does not require ): Advanced Custom Fields Pro and Redux Framework.

Quick feature list:

  • Password Protection
  • Public Client gallery list with quick search (optional)
  • Image Proofing
  • Gallery discussions ( commenting on galleries )
  • “Themeable” Plugin API

A plugin designed for the working photographer:

This plugin comes with an intuitive image proofing that lets your client mark the images that he/she really likes and a comment area where you and your client can discuss the images. Village Client Area uses a custom post type that allows you to easily create and manage your client galleries. There is also a Quick Search option if you decide to create a public page where you display all of your client area galleries (only the featured images and titles are visible, the images themselves can be password protected).

무료Creator 요금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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