
Disable Google Fonts, Remove google fonts or Replace with Bunnyfonts

Disable and remove google fonts or simply replace all Google Fonts with BunnyFonts to make your site GDPR friendly.
최근 업데이트일
December 31, 2023
활성화된 설치 항목

Looking for a plugin to disable google fonts? this plugin gives you the option to remove Google Fonts from your website. or replace google fonts with Bunnyfonts, which they claim to be GDPR-compliant (Read More) and google fonts alternative. use the options in the plugin settings to make the switch and to confirm it use Google font checker.


  • Option to replace external google fonts with BunnyFonts.
  • Option to remove all external google fonts from your website.
  • Option to remove google fonts using javascript.

Plugin Compatibility

This plugin will work with almost all the themes and page builders.

  • it can disable google fonts loading from elementor.
  • it can disable google fonts loading from wp bakery page builder.
  • it can remove google fonts loading from divi and any other theme.
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활성화된 설치 항목
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