

UsageDD allows administrators to monitor the resource usage of their WordPress installation.
최근 업데이트일
March 16, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목

UsageDD allows administrators to monitor the resource usage of their WordPress installation. It will add a small box at the bottom center of each page, only visible to administrators, that displays the number of MySQL queries, the amount of memory used by the page’s code, and if you are using a compatible webserver (most are compatible), the “time to first byte” (TTFB) and the time required to generate the full page. TTFB is used by Google for page-ranking purposes, and it will be the first of the two displayed.

You can use the display to determine if your site has too many plugins loaded, if your theme is too “heavy”, or if something is wrong on your server. The plugin itself uses virtually no resources and should be compatible with every theme and plugin that outputs HTML.

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