
Universal Analytics

A simple method to add Google's Universal Analytics JavaScript tracking code to your WordPress website.
최근 업데이트일
February 8, 2016
활성화된 설치 항목
Universal Analytics

With Google’s Universal Analytics officialy out of beta, there is no better time to start using Universal Analytics. This plugin provides a simple method for you to add the analytics snippet to your website. All you need to do is paste your Tracking ID into the field and press save.

There are a few advanced options as well.

  • Determine if you wan the snippet in the head or footer
  • Track events such as downloads, mailto, & outbound links
  • Enable Display Advertising (Remarketing & Demographics)
  • Anonymize IP addresses
  • Disable tracking for administrators
  • …and more to come.

If you don’t already have your Tracking ID or for more information about Universal Analytics visit: Google Analytics

We would like to give special credit to Audrius Dobilinskas. Our plugin is based on his version of Google Universal Analytics which provides several more advanced features as well as being able to use the “Classic” version of Google Analytics as well as being able to add your own custom snippets.

Our version of Universal Analytics has been modified and trimmed down to meet our specific needs and supports integration with Launch Check. If you’re not familiar with it, Launch Check ensures you have made your site visible to search engines, changed the default description and added Google Analytics before launch.

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