
Ubigeo de Perú para Woocommerce y WordPress

This plugin adds the tables _departamento, _provincia, _distrito with respect to Peru add the Ubigeo Peru to the Woocommerce checkout
최근 업데이트일
April 24, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Ubigeo de Perú para Woocommerce y WordPress

This plugin adds the tables to the database _ubigeo_departamento, _ubigeo_provincia, _ubigeo_distrito with respect to Peru. Add the Ubigeo Peru to the Woocommerce checkout – _departamento – _provincia – _distrito.

We also have a premium plugin where the shipping cost functionality of Ubigeo Peru is added for woocommerce. Where:

✅ Enable cost per Department.

✅ Enable cost per District.

✅ Enable and Disable the shipping cost functionality without disabling the plugin.

✅ Add name of shipping cost, free shipping and store pickup.

✅ Add shipping methods such as Shipping cost, Free shipping (plus minimum amount) and Store Pickup (whatever you require).

Massive cost loading, new import functionality via .csv

✅ More information about the plugin in Peru Ubigeo Shipping Cost for Woocommerce

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