
Twitter Display and Cache

This plugin is used to fetch recent tweets and display on sidebar and caches tweets as well. Its a very basic plugin. Good for new programmers to unde …
최근 업데이트일
March 2, 2014
활성화된 설치 항목
Twitter Display and Cache

This plugin is used to fetch recent tweets and display on sidebar and caches tweets as well. Its a very basic plugin. Good for new programmers to understand how to build wordpress widgets. This plugin has few basic fetaures:

  • If no title for widget is set it displays a title automatically.
  • Got options for providing “Consumer Key”, “Consumer Secret”, “Access Token”, “Access Token Secret”, “Twitter Username”
  • Number of Tweets to be displayed can be provided.

Author will not provide any support for this plugin. Other developers can use the codes of this plugin as reference and can use it in their codes.

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