
Add TinyMCE to the Additional Description field

Add TinyMCE to the Additional Description field of WP E-Commerce. Possibility insert additional product photos, even without buying GoldenCart!
최근 업데이트일
January 8, 2012
활성화된 설치 항목
Add TinyMCE to the Additional Description field

TinyMCE for WP E-Commerce Additional Description – plugin created for one of the world’s leading ecommerce solutions, powered by WordPress. This plugin is for those who do not want to or cannot be limited to plain text typing in Additional Description field. This plugin enables rich text editing on the WPEC products Additional Description field.

After installing additional plugins extending the standard WP TinyMCE options, you will get all Rich Text Editor and you can use it in additional description field. For example: you can insert links or even additional product photos, even without buying GoldenCart!

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