

3d model gallery uploader and viewer powered by three.js
최근 업데이트일
May 12, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목

Easily embed three.js in WordPress

What you can do:

Create three.js galleries anywhere

Create galleries using the shortcode generator in the Threepress admin, and then paste the shortcode wherever you want – the javascript that renders the shortcodes is loaded on all public pages.

A gallery renders one three.js Scene.

To customize the layout or dimensions of your gallery, use CSS. An id tag of form #threepress-gallery-[gallery name] is put on the wrapper of the <canvas> element, or use class .threepress-gallery / .threepress-gallery canvas to target all galleries.

The gallery renderer (three.js object) should adjust to match your given dimensions automatically to prevent skewing or blurring.

If you want to custom code your own gallery, scroll down to ‘javascript devs’.


All models must be in “.glb” format – most 3d programs can export to this.

They are stored in the Media Library like everything else, but can be found easily through the Threepress library, which simply filters for “.glb” extensions.

For javascript devs:

All the galleries on a given page will be available in the global variable THREEPRESS, in the galleries property. See the Gallery class (static/js/ThreepressGallery.js) for insight on interacting with these.

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