
The Travel Button®

Install The Travel Button and monetize your travel content with your very own travel metasearch engine. Help your audience plan their trips
최근 업데이트일
March 19, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
The Travel Button®

Install our WordPress travel plugin and monetize your travel content while helping your visitors find all the services they may need to organize a trip, in a simple and intuitive way.

Easy to install, The Travel Button® is a free and effective tool to generate revenue, that gives you access to Travelfinder the tourism services metasearch engine, accessible through customizable buttons.

With Travelfinder our affiliates can display their logo, choose the services they want to offer and the merchants they want to work with. They can also associate it with the destination of their choice.

You can offer any service travelers may need: hotels, apartments, hostels, planes, trains, buses, rental cars, restaurants, activities, and even shows.

Join We Travel Hub’s affiliate network and use the plugin to customize and manage different buttons to use in your posts.

Main features

Meet your visitor’s needs

  • Save them time. Help visitors check different tourism and travel-related services without leaving your website: transport, accommodation, restaurants, and activities.
  • Secure. Bookings are made with the best tourism sector providers.

Benefits for content creators

  • Respects your website’s design. Customize The Travel Button® and place it wherever you want.
  • Profitable. You will receive 80% of the commissions paid by advertisers on bookings originating from your website.

How does it work?

  1. Customize The Travel Button® to your liking. You can see some examples of how to change its look and feel, here.
  2. Link it to one or several places.
  3. Customize Travelfinder in your private area.
  4. Use the WordPress block editor and add your button’s shortcode.

Anyone who inspires people to travel, or who has a tourism business that someone can visit, now has the opportunity to generate a new revenue stream in a simple and transparent way.

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